This initial idea for the final project is based on a map visualization. It serves as an interactive interface to alert pedestrians, especially when it comes to frequent road accidents. This project can serve as an added-on feature to Google Maps, or it can be a separate pedestrian-friendly map app.

a. Problem Statement/Research Question - What problem or research question is your project trying to address? New York City has been implementing The New York City Pedestrian Safety Study & Action Plan to improve pedestrian safety using data. However, there’s no project related to mapping visualization based on Apps for pedestrians to use when moving around the street. And that is why this project aims to use data to support this plan and help pedestrians to navigate more safely in the city.

b. Data Sources: What is the data that you will be using for your project and how will it be obtained?. Any challenges with your data that you are aware of? The information on the NYC government website is super helpful, but the question is how to visualize the number of cases by transforming them into different levels of alerts. Besides, there will be other elements affecting pedestrian safety. Will it be enough just to visualize the accident cases, or do we need to combine additional information?

c. Audience: Who is the intended audience for your project? General public, scholars, students (field/level), etc. the general public, pedestrians in NYC

d. Inspirations: What are similar projects that could be used as an inspiration. Displacement Alert Map | ANHD

e. Skills needed: What are the skill sets needed to develop a digital prototype for your project? Programming, design, research, etc. GIS or other mapping-related visualization tools, the interface design