Assignment 19
Text Analyzer: Used the Named Entity Recognizer from Stanford NLP for the Romeo and Juliet text, and saw that it recognized so many people’s names as organizations, even Romeo. It as well wasn’t able to perceive the dates as dates, granted that some of the dates were in short form (e.g. Jul 2). So the greatest downfall of this interface is that it is still unable to perceive the context of specific stories, even though it was able to correctly identify some names. It was an interesting project and I am curious as to how much they have improved since the website. I also utilized the voyager website on the Romeo and Juliet text, and it was interesting seeing the most frequent words pop up on the screen. Romeo was the most frequent word, but that might just be because he has the most lines, and the text did not filter out the names of the people speaking during a scene. It is also interesting to see that the Montogue name is not spoken as much as the Capulet name in the text.