I wanted to represent the work I have done in the past two years related to the graduate application - it turned out to be almost everything that has been done. In general, I have listed some factors that affect the outcome of the application, and in each row, I have short word “labels” to indicate what I did during certain periods. The color of each block represents my perceived workload (red- high, yellow- moderate, blue- low, gray- nearly none). I adjusted the width of each column (time) to correspond to the workload size - representing my perceived length of time. If I wanted to make it more detailed, I would improve the visualization of the workload. For example, use a baseline width to represent the total workload I can generally afford, and use different colors and widths for tasks. When the total workload exceeds the baseline at a certain time, the visualization can show that I am already overloaded.

Timeline- Sally Chen.png