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The article’s perspective on using large-scale assertion to study humanities reminds me of the urban design process. In Digital Humanities, everyone is a “designer” or “observer,” and the top-down observation method is used to challenge traditional humanities research. However, in the process from close to distant, we should also avoid the problem caused by artificial categorization and other actions mentioned in this week’s class, such as when we categorize raw data, for example, with the intention of presenting the data better, but in actual fact it leads to some problems, such as the fact that some data cannot be classified in any category or can be classified under multiple categories, and the principle and focus of categorization changing over time. The principles and focus of classification can shift over time, as can the names of the categories. Consequently, it is crucial to preserve the objectivity of the original data.


The terms “Data landscapes” and “Digital Cultural Mapping” intrigue me. For the former, I believe that the term landscapes is very expressive of the independent and interconnected data layers, and it is also navigable. Combining it with the “DISTANT / CLOSE, MACRO / MICRO, and SURFACE / DEPTH” section I mentioned earlier, it is a database of macro and micro data, such as large cities and countries, as well as personal addresses, habits, social networks, etc. Consequently, I believe that the cultural reference of “Digital Cultural Mapping” is the data from traditional humanities research, which is the social network of an individual ’s life that expands to form the cultural system of a family, a community, a country, or even the entire world. As a system that can be modified and added to at any time, digital maps are not only a way to record and organize, but also a way for individuals to create a new social footprint by reading and participating in the content modified and added by others, which is recorded by digital maps as well, and that, forms a self-looping system.