Visualization is a way to bridge communication. It is great progress in humanity that cultural analysis may be visualized commonly.

The question is how to choose suitable tools to express ideas or be more poetic, how to design the way data is presented. We have timeline to show simple events and dates as a daily record of activities. Also we have Excel to insert huge amount of information like population in different countries and compare. Also ,we have rawgraphs to be taken a a model to insert data and build relationship between different groups of data. All these are quick ways based on several models.

However, in my eye, for the deep cultural analysis, which is more influenced by background events and social factors, we need customized data and in my eye this is designing the data. How they are shown and which factors are taking the lead and how different dimensions could be associated. We have GIS tool to support mapping but extracting the data is what truly matters. We may study the transformation of land cover and thus we need to extract the changing area and make sure what aspects we define the word “transformation”.

Visualization provides possibilities to convey ideas more directly but also ask for the ability to extract data and establish the customized data set.

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