Olympic ArtMap Project Update: May 3

Metadata (Ece and Miles): We’ve continued to comb through the exhibition catalogues to add city information for entries. We’ve now completed 1924, 1928, 1932, and 1936. 1948 is all that remains, and we’ll be done with that shortly. We’ve also got more complete data for Famous Cases, URLs for images of entries, and Entries linked to the Demo Pages.


Static Content for Demos (Miles): Following discussion last week, I’ve added a few artworks/stories to the Demo side of the site, so that there’s now at least one entry/story per Olympic year. There are 8 pages altogether. I’ve also used some historical, public-domain maps from oldmapsonline.org and I’ve added dashed lines or arrows to them to illustrate the trajectories of various artworks. These images will accompany the text


Design for Landing Page (Miles and Yuchuan): In response to the class’s suggestion, we’ve attempted to make the use of the Olympic rings more obvious, while avoiding a design that treads on IOC copyright. Miles put together an initial concept, and Yuchuan cleaned up the look and reformatted it for screen size.



Design for Demo Pages (Yuchuan and Kelsey): The Demo Page needs four elements…

  1. A timeline

  2. The content text that goes with each date

  3. An image of the artwork.

  4. The static map image that goes with the content

We’ve been playing with how to combine these features. Originally, the design was going to mimic the ArtMap design, but we might free ourselves from that model to be able to bring out the content text and image.


Possible Design for Famous Cases Page (Yuchuan): Last week, we tested out the idea of having a filter for particularly famous artists. It became clear in the class discussion that this label “fame” is hard to defend/justify, so for now we’ve removed the filter, but we’re still thinking about ways we might incorporate this element of the metadata for interested users. Here’s a possible side-page concept for looking at famous artists and entries.


Design for ArtMap Filters (Yuchuan): The lines from the previous filter design have been removed, and the ring outlines have been accentuated to make a clearer reference to the Olympic Logo. We’ve downsized from our one-time concept of five filters (for five rings) and we’ve moved to three main filters: Art-Form, Medal, and Year. The two remaining rings offer the user the chance to return to the home page or to submit feedback.





ArtMap Functionality (Thatcher and Kelsey): We’ve got a demo running now. It doesn’t yet incorporate 100% of the features and designs we’ve envisioned, but it’s functional and we can start improving it from here. Here’s how it works right now: you select a year and get a list of countries that competed and their medal. From there you can click each country and a listing of it’s entries and artists and which pieces won medals. From there you can click on each piece and go to a new tab where you see more info about it. You can also click on artist names and go to pages with more info on them. Here’s what the map page looks like now:


The bottom-right panel can also show a list of a country’s entries in a given year’s games:


Click any of the pieces’ titles leads to a custom generated page with more metadata about the piece. The information displayed is incomplete right now, but will be very detailed in the future:
