Miles’s previous assignments, uploaded without embedded images

Time Mapper


  • Scrolling, moving forward and back, clicking on new items: all very intuitive
  • Duration of events highlighted in bottom bar, allowing user to quickly see other event-points occurring within a different event-span


  • Vertical organization of events in timeline conveys no information: missed opportunity
  • Size of tabs with event titles in timeline have no relation to event duration
  • No visual indicator of relative information: for example, “Iran hands over 16 captured al-Qaeda fighters to the Saudis” is dated June 1 - June 30, 2002, but the act is not confirmed until August. There should be some way to note who had the information when.

Proposed Alternative Design

  • Gradient boxes refer to specific durations
  • Green, yellow, orange, and red colors indicate relative levels of peace or hostility implied or initiated by a given event
  • Events originating in the US, Iran, or elsewhere are indicated in different rows
  • Events recognized at different times in different places are indicated with stars and arrows
  • Icons associated with certain events are included next to the title at the top of the page to clarify color and placement information in the timeline

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