Museum to be an urban life generator
In my opinion, that Macalik, Fraser and Mckinley proposed discursive space for museums is trying to transform the traditional visitor identity to users. The participants could be self-directed to explore and be part of the space. The two articles are similar in this point. I agree with Philip’s idea that curatorial work is a form of social practice that predicated on a fixed relation between material objects and the human environment. Kreps emphasized re-contextualization within the culture of the museum. Social and cultural dimensions should not be neglected. Museums should be more responsive to the needs and interests of the diverse changing cultures. Its space should be adjustable for various of exhibits at least. The museum space should take the responsibility to create interaction with people.
The role of museum is going to the be more and more like a Plaza like the Sony Center. It has the potential to be an urban life generator which is related to their daily life and social activities could happen. Of course, new technologies have helped to achieve this goal.
There are few good examples that may be learned from.
The route of the exhibitions could be more free like wandering in city. MFA once had an exhibition of Megacities Asia which is compose of different installations like Forever Bicycles by Ai Weiwei. It is in the main resting hall of the museum and all the other installations are arranged freely and you may guide yourself to some and just neglect some.
The other thing is that today’s museums all have gathering space like the Harvard Art Museum. It is truly a good social space for idea exchange and meeting people just like the city square. Also, 3D auditorium is another choice based on the fact that virtual reality is hard to overall realized.
The space itself could be a part of the exhibition is the trend that we are pursuing. The Tate museum once displayed the weather project of Olafur Eliasson. The participants, like actors, are moving and talking, just like daily life in London, talking about the weather once meeting someone. He is exploring ideas of experience, mediation and representation.Olafur Eliasson
Another good case is the German architecture museum in Frankfurt. It is an interesting case in which the main show room is a modern house. The renovation kept the old facade but arranged new building inside. The exhibits were arranged in the bottom floor of the new house. It is a kind of family exhibition which truly shorten the distance between the pedagogical museum to visitors but as participants. The new modern house also convey the idea of transformation in cultures and society.
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