Last time we said we would like to integrate data visulization with spatial representation to make the data visualization process more playful for either scholars or general public. We continued and further developed this idea using csv data.

Since neither of us knows anything about API or javascript, we relied on a graphical scripting software called Rhino+Grasshopper plus Excel to extract and visualize data.We firstly sorted the data according to seat tiers and date in Excel, then imported the sorted data into Grasshopper to calculate the revenue of the tickets for each type of the seat.

By clicking into each type of seat, user will be directed into the next page where they can have a virtual view of the stage space from the perspective of the selected seating type. The revenue of the given type of seat will be exhibited along the visualize the data.

After associating the data with geometries in Grasshopper, the graphic was then )exported into Illustrator for post editing.

[Presentation of the Assignment](Presentation of the Assignment

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