Assignment 3: US-Iran Relations Timeline

For this assignment, we chose to focus on the US-Iran relationship over time. Using the descriptions of the timeline events, we determined whether each event had a negative, neutral, or positive effect on the relationship.

For events that had a negative/souring effect on the US-Iran relationship, we gave it a numerical value of -1.

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For events that had a neutral effect (neither detrimental or benign), we gave it a numerical value of 0.

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For events that had a positive effect on their relationship, we gave it a numerical value of 1.

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After manually inserting these values to each event, we converted the data to a Json file that we then used to make our visualization. This visualization shows how the US-Iran relationship bettered or worsened over time. It also gives a brief overview of how many events had negative, neutral, and positive effects on the US-Iran relationship

![Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 11.55.49 AM.png]

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