Final project pitch slides

Image credit: Yichen playlistexample.jpg

Project description: Using isometric models or perhaps AR technology, we want to make a model in which users can map music to physical objects. For example, a user could map the song “Don’t Stop Believing” with a high school yearbook or the album Thriller with a leather jacket. Users could also link several songs to one object and make a playlist. In an isometric model, users would be able to select specific objects, see what kinds of music is mapped to that object, add more songs, and play them. In an AR model, users would be able to scan over existing, physical objects, see what songs are associated with them, add and play music. This unique way of organizing sounds challenges the traditional methods of organizing music, which is often hierarchical. But human memories are associative. This project attempts to emulate the human emotion and memories in organizing music. This project also attempts to add another dimension to the current digital understanding of sound.