Critique of Layer Cake
The layer cake method is interesting because it uses time as a third dimension and adds it to a two-dimensional map, therefore indicating the time and location of each event in a straightforward way. However, the effect is compromised when the three-dimensional visualization is flatten and shown in the two-dimensional screen, which could cause misreading and misunderstanding if people are not looking at the model carefully enough. As a result, I am really interested in seeing the project in a virtual reality environment, where people can actually occupy the 3d visualization, therefore having a better understanding of each event’s spatial as well as time contexts. The list of events on the left half of the page is helpful when people want to find specific event. But it draws most of the attention so the effect of the 3d visualization on the right is negatively affected. Maybe the detailed descriptions of each event can be shown on the visualization instead of shown as a second column that is attached to the list.