I found the use of a third axis to represent time to immediately be the most interesting part of this visualization - this part of the description was really helpful and provoking. However, I probably would not have been able to gather a solid understanding of the visualization without reading the description, as there is not a ton of accompanying info/labeling on the visualization itself. Toggling around with the map is also a little difficult (maybe moreso when using a trackpad), and due to the coloring, it was difficult for me to figure out what region I was looking at on the map and what direction to orient myself in. A simple compass would be a easy and prominent fix for this. The coloring of the map boundaries makes it difficult to discern in general, and the coloring of the data points are overwhelming because you can’t immediately figure out what the colors denote. The list on the left of locations I feel would be more helpful along with dates, or if there were an option to list it by time rather than location.