Museum and Curation
In “Curatorship as Social Practice”, Christina Kreps suggests that museums has shifted their focus from the objects being collected to the relationships between objects and people, as the role of curators expanded. In “Introduction to the Special Issue: Discursive Space”, the authors take a step forward to argue that museums are spaces that “foster negotiation and debate, polarize and politicize space, and invite discussion fraught with contradictory views.” Under such situation, “visitors” of museums will become more like “users” so that the power dynamic can be changed. Besides, they advocate users to publish their museum experience on social media, as a second selective curation.
A positive example of that is the the American Museum of Natural History. In the “Unseen Ocean” exhibition, the curators are using a lot of different technologies to make the displayed objects more interesting, and the experience more immersive, especially for kids.
Unseen Oceans Exhibition at American Museum of Natural History
Harn Museum of Art provide a “Instagram frame” to its users in order to encourage them posting on their social media, both as an advertisement for the museum and a selective curation of the arts.