Project Updates
Project Update
After meeting with Ziggy about his idea to create an image curation website, we didn’t see any similarities between his project and mine, since his website would be for curation of general images, and my project idea would be interested in images of landscapes, nature, and buildings.
New Project Idea: Timeline of History
A new project idea would be to create a website that contains a timeline that the user can navigate through which graphically illustrates the history of the world. This timeline would mine data and images from Wikipedia, which should be feasible since Wikipedia has pages dedicated to events in each year in human history. Additionally, these pages have links to articles dedicated to each event, and many articles have images that are published through a Creative Commons license which allows for reuse (as long as the author is attributed).
In short, this would be a graphical timeline of Earth’s history mined from data in Wikipedia. It would be unique because of its ease of navigation and visual appeal. One significant use for the website would be that users could better understand the magnitude of time that has passed between certain events by having a chance to visualize the flow of time.