Final project
Project Title:
Open Source Github Visualization
Problem Statement
It is difficult to see who collaborated on different sections of a project when all of the commits are viewed in list form. It is also difficult to see at what stages of a projects development different contributors were active.
My final project idea is to visualize data on opensource github repositories such as when authors commit and which authors edit the same files or parts of files. I would like to be able to graphically display this information in a way that allows a viewer to easily see which users collaborated with eachother and see how the development of a project has progressed over time. I would like there to be a play back feature where a viewer can watch the development of a repository unfold one commit at a time.
Both programmers and users interested in an open source projects development.
Skills Needed
D3 knowlege to graphically visualize commits. JQuery knowledge to make API calls to Github.