Final project updates 4/21-4/27
Final project updates from last week (April 20) available here.
Project updates for the week of 4/21 - 4/27:
We are underway with the technical aspects of our project (tentatively titled CurateMe). Alan has worked on authenticating users through Twitter using a node.js library. David has been working on the VR aspect on the Google Cardboard and made a demo using a few images around campus that change like a slideshow (viewable here), which in the future can be modified to include the view at the scene along with the curated posts. David is also working on adding more features to the VR such as getting it to turn based on the user’s head position. Julia and Keeley have been working on the equivalent of Alan’s work regarding photos. One potential change that might have to be made is that we might pull from Flickr photos instead of Instagram due to privacy issues related to users’ posts, but we are looking into if we can get around it. Regardless, we are in good shape for the final project.
Work that needs to be done includes the sentiment analysis (most likely a group effort) as well as more work with the Twitter and Flickr/Instagram APIs to pull posts based on location, which will be delegated to respective members of our team based on our current roles.